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Key Information

This page contains downloadable documents throughout.

Policies and Hard Copies

This page contains many documents, policies and reports. Please contact the school office if you require a paper copy of any of the information on the school website.

Contact & Access Details

Redwell Primary School
Barnwell Road

Telephone: 01933 676040


DfE Number: 148611

Principal: Claire Head (NPQH)

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

How to find us

Redwell Primary School is located on Barnwell Road, situated in the Gleneagles area of Wellingborough, Northamptonshire. View Map

We have 4 pedestrian entrances, 3 located on Barnwell Road and one on Waterworks Lane at the end of Westminster Road and accessible from Kilborn Road.


There is a limited amount of parking around the school. Visitors are able to park in the Redwell Leisure Centre car park, adjacent to the school.


We have a page dedicated to Safeguarding which you can find here.


Places will be allocated to pupils who have a statement of SEN (Special Educational Need) that names the school as appropriate provision. When there are more applications for places than there are places available, priority will be given in the following order:

  1. Children in public care
  2. Pupils with an older brother or sister continuing at the school at the time of admission of the younger child.
  3. Pupils who live closer to the preferred school than any other school.
  4. Other pupils.

If the admission number is exceeded within criterion (3) priority will be given to those who live furthest from the nearest alternative school. If the admission number is exceeded within any other criterion, priority will be given to those who live closest to the school.

If you would like your child to attend our school, please contact Northamptonshire County Council Admission Team:

Visit the NCC School Admissions Website

Northamptonshire's coordinated admission schemes

Local authorities must publish a scheme to coordinate admission arrangements for schools within their area.

Northamptonshire's schemes for 2018 are below. The significant change to the scheme is the offers being communicated to parents online only (where an online application has been made) rather than in a letter.

Admissions Documents

Trust Annual Report and Accounts

Please click here for Nene Education Trust's Annual Report and Accounts

Complaints Procedure

Sometimes things happen which make children or parents unhappy. It is important that parents/carers feel they are able to raise concerns. In most cases, concerns and complaints can be resolved by talking to staff at our school.

If you have a concern or complaint about your child, including any SEND child, please speak to the staff in the following order:

  1. Class Teacher
  2. Year Group Leader
  3. Key Stage Leader / Deputy Head Teachers (Mrs Sharpe or Mrs Nimmo)
  4. Principal (Mrs Head)

However, if you wish to raise a more formal complaint, then please follow our school complaints policy by clicking on this link:  Nene Education Trust Statutory Information

Behaviour and Discipline

The school has a policy on behaviour management and anti-bullying which are available on the website. We expect children at Redwell to be well behaved, self-disciplined and confident. One of the skills we will be actively teaching is self-regulation and is incorporated into our behaviour policy. We expect parents to work with the school in partnership to support these policies. When your child starts at our school, you will be asked to sign a contract, a Home School Agreement.  It is our aim to build upon the discipline already established at home and at pre-school and we enter into this contract with you as part of our belief in partnership between home and school.

We have a clear system of rewards and sanctions to reward good behaviour and prevent unacceptable behaviour. Staff set a good example to the children in the way we value each other and the way we behave with them and you. Every child has a right to feel safe, the right to respect and the right to learn. All children have the responsibility to ensure that this happens. Staff use positive behaviour management strategies and co-regulation techniques to support the children to develop self-regulation. They use verbal praise, sharing success, public celebration, stickers, certificates, text alerts, merits, values pebbles and house points at various times during the school year. Records are kept of challenging behaviour and parents are informed and involved at an early stage if we have to use sanctions.

All incidents of racial harassment or bullying are recorded onto the school system. These incidents are taken very seriously and are dealt with quickly. Parents are involved in discussions about strategies and solutions. Internal exclusions are used in the event of any per on peer abuse as stated in the behaviour and anti-bullying policies. We adhere to the Northamptonshire County Council policy on exclusion.

We expect adults to demonstrate respect and model positive behaviour for the children in our school. Inappropriate behaviour towards any member of staff or adult in our school will not be tolerated. If you witness any such behaviour please report it to the school office, reports will be treated sensitively.

School Uniform

Principles - It is our policy that all children must have full school uniform, worn correctly, for daily attendance at school. We very much appreciate parents' support in ensuring that the children have the correct uniform and attend school smartly dressed. We regard this as a very important factor in the success of the school.

The Role of Governors - Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress sensibly, in clothing that is hardwearing, safe and practical whilst remaining economical for parents. Most items can be easily obtained from any popular store. However, sweatshirts and cardigans need to be ordered from our uniform stockist.

Aims - Our policy is based on the belief that a school uniform is essential to the ethos of our school community as it establishes a clear sense of identity, fosters a sense of inclusive belonging, and engenders both positive behaviour and self-discipline, which in turn supports teaching and learning.

Redwell Primary School Uniform

V neck burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan with the Redwell Primary School logo – Compulsory

White polo shirt (logo optional) No blouses or shirts

Dark grey (charcoal) trousers / knee length skirt / culottes / pinafore dress

Grey socks / tights

Flat black plain shoes (no trainers) /  plain black boots (winter option)

Redwell Summer Uniform (from Easter holidays until October Half term)

As above or

Dark grey (charcoal) knee length shorts

White socks

Red gingham dress


Redwell Primary School PE and school trip uniform – No jewellery on PE days

Plain school hoody with the Redwell Primary School logo – Compulsory

Plain white t-shirt (logo optional) / RPS Values T-shirt

Plain black shorts

Plain black joggers/leggings

Trainers or plimsolls – EYFS / KS1 / KS2

The school permits children to wear a watch alongside their uniform.  However, if this is a smart watch, all notifications must be disabled whilst they are in school. 

ALL COMPULSORY SCHOOL UNIFORM/LOGO ITEMS INCLUDING BAGS MUST BE PURCHASED ONLINE FROM Karl Sports, Kettering (school shop selection) – order to be paid online and will then be delivered to the school for collection.

In addition to the above the school prohibits;

  • Tattoos
  • Nail polish
  • Large hair accessories
  • Extreme hairstyles or hair colours
  • Jewellery other than 1 small stud / sleeper

We request that;

  • Long hair is tied up
  • An appropriate coat is worn, along with hat, scarf & gloves for the cold weather
  • All uniform is clearly named

If you receive Pupil Premium you may use your £100 allocated funds to purchase uniform. Please contact the school if you are having difficulty providing correct uniform and need assistance.

School Policies


Title Download
pdf Sports premium plan 2021-22 reviewed Download Preview
pdf NET School Uniform Affordability Statement - September 2022 Download Preview
pdf NET Capability Policy Redwell Download Preview
pdf NET Professional Learning policy redwell Download Preview
pdf Admissions Policy 2023-28 Download Preview
pdf NET Statement on Accessibility Audits Download Preview
pdf NET School Policy for (P)LAC Download Preview
pdf Sports Premium Plan 2020 / 21 Download Preview
pdf Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020 / 21 Download Preview
pdf Technical security policy July 20 Download Preview
pdf Whole school food policy December 2019 Download Preview
pdf Teaching and Learning Policy - Updated September 2017 Download Preview
pdf Accessibility audit and plan Redwell Apr 2023-26 Download Preview
pdf Sports premium plan 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf Sports premium plan 2022-23 - Reviewed July 2023 Download Preview
pdf Communication Procedure 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf 45 - NET Anti Bullying Policy 2023 V3 Download Preview
pdf 32 - NET Policy for Children In Care 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf 38 - NET Children with health needs who cannot attend school 2023-26 Download Preview
pdf RPS 57 - NET Intimate Care Policy Download Preview
pdf 24 - NET Whistleblowing policy 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf RPS 3 - NET Prevent & Radicalisation Policy 2023.docx Download Preview
pdf RPS 49 - Child on Child abuse policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf RPS 48 - NET Supporting children with medical needs Download Preview
pdf 12- NET Code of Conduct for all adults V5 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf RPS NET Mental Health Policy 2023 Download Preview
pdf RPS 37 - NET SEND Policy and Information Report 23 24 Download Preview
pdf RPS 10 - NET Safeguarding & Child Protection 2023 Download Preview
pdf RPS 33 - NET Relationship (behaviour) Policy Nov 2023 Download Preview
pdf RPS Attendance Policy Sept 23 Download Preview
pdf RPS 37 - NET SEND Policy and Information Report 23 24 Download Preview
pdf 05 - Data Protection Policy 2023-26 Download Preview
pdf 35 - Health and Safety Policy 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf 02- NET charging and remissions policy 23-24 Download Preview
pdf 39 - NET Relationships and Sex Education Policy (Primary) - RPS 2023-24 Download Preview
pdf Uniform Policy 2024 Download Preview


General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ