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Healthy Schools

We are working towards The Northamptonshire Healthy Schools Award, which is a set of evidence-based standards designed to improve the health and wellbeing of whole school communities.

It promotes a whole school approach to the following areas:

  • mental health and wellbeing
  • healthy eating
  • physical activity
  • PSHE

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healthy schools

Redwell Primary School aims to provide an environment that promotes the health and well-being of pupils, parents and staff by ensuring that all food provision and food messages are healthy and consistent. Staff recognise and are committed to the fact that healthier children learn more effectively.

"Being healthy, safe, cared for, having a voice and influence are fundamental prerequisites to being 'ready to learn' and achieving true potential - at any stage in our lives. Our aim is to help children to grow healthily, safely and responsibly and to become active citizens who do their bit for society and for the environment." ( 2016) 

The Eating Environment 

  • All pupils in KS1 and EYFS eat lunch in the Small Hall.  Lower KS2 (Year 3 and 4) eat lunch in the Sports Hall and Upper KS2 pupils with a packed lunch eat in their classrooms, pupils with a hot dinner eat in the Sports Hall.
  • An attractive salad bar is available to children with a variety of choices, along with a selection of desserts including a fruit option. 
  • In the EYFS classrooms clear snack areas are provided with healthy snacks and fresh water throughout the day. 

Packed Lunches

  • Parents are expected to send their children to school with a healthy packed lunch.
  • Parents may be consulted by a class teacher or our Pastoral Team if lunch boxes do not contain a balanced diet. Healthier options are discussed.


In the EYFS classrooms clear snack areas are provided with healthy snacks, fresh water and milk.

A range of fresh fruit or vegetables are offered to children in KS1 during morning play. Pupils in KS2 are expected to bring a healthy snack to school to eat during morning play.

Drinking Water

Drinking water is provided for all children and staff to drink throughout the day.  Pupils are expected to bring a plastic water bottle to school daily and are able to refill throughout the day. Clean plastic cups are provided for pupils who forget their water bottle. 


  • The formal curriculum develops pupils’ knowledge of healthy living and well-being.
  • All pupils learn the importance of healthy living and well-being in Science, Design and Technology and PSHE. The message of healthy living is embedded in the Curriculum. 

Provision for Staff

  • Staff are encouraged to eat healthily themselves. 
  • Staff members may choose to have a school dinner and eat with the children.
  • Staff involved in food preparation for breakfast and extended school clubs have a food hygiene certificate. 


  • Information about school meals is shared with parents via our catering providers website
  • The school provides information regarding school meals during new intake parents evenings and through the Whole School Food Policy.

Other Issues

  • Sweets or chocolates for special occasions, such as birthdays, are not able to be distributed by school staff.
  • Multicultural food is encouraged during parties such as Christmas, Diwali and school meals. 
  • The use of sweets for rewards is prohibited. Instead, children are rewarded with stickers, praise, Values pebbles and treats, house points and Purple Points. 
  • Leftover fruit from EYFS and Key Stage 1 is given to Key Stage 2 where possible.




General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ