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Inspection dates 18–19 June 2019

Overall effectiveness Good
Effectiveness of leadership and management Good
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Good
Personal development, behaviour and welfare Good
Outcomes for pupils Good
Early Years provision Good


Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a GOOD school

  • Senior leaders form a strong team. Since the infant and junior school amalgamated they have worked together to ensure that pupils receive a good quality of education. 
  • Leaders, including governors, know the school well. They act quickly to address weaknesses. 
  • Staff morale is high. They value the support from senior leaders. Research and training are used thoughtfully to develop staff professionally. 
  • The school is inclusive and welcoming. The leadership of special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is strong. 
  • Leaders use additional funding with increasingly positive impact. Outcomes for disadvantaged pupils are rapidly improving in English and mathematics. 
  • Governors are skilled and experienced. They hold leaders to account for the school’s performance. 
  • Safeguarding arrangements are effective and rigorously monitored by leaders. Pupils feel safe in school. 
  • Most pupils are making good progress in reading, writing and mathematics. They are well prepared for secondary school. 
  • Teachers and teaching assistants have positive relationships with pupils. 
  • The curriculum is broad and balanced with the exception of religious education, which is not planned in sufficient depth to give pupils a broad understanding of major faiths and religions. Teachers have strong subject knowledge in other subjects. 
  • Teachers and teaching assistant provide effective feedback so that pupils can quickly address errors in their work. 
  • Pupils enjoy learning. They are proud of their school. Pupils care for each other and value their education. They are tolerant and respectful. 
  • In key stage 2 teachers pose searching questions. However, in the early years and key stage 1, some questioning does not stretch pupils’ thinking or deepen their understanding. 
  • Subject leaders of English, mathematics and science monitor, evaluate and improve teaching and learning but leaders of other subjects are not as successful in ensuring that teaching and learning continue to improve. 
  • The provision for pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is improving. 
  • Some pupils in key stage 1 and some lower-attaining pupils receive work that is either too easy or too hard in English and mathematics.

Our Teaching & Learning Plans


General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ