Accessibility Tools

Tel: 01933 676040

Safeguarding your Child

At Redwell Primary School, the welfare of all our pupils is of the utmost importance.  If you have any concerns regarding the safety or wellbeing of  our pupils, then please speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs), by contacting the school on (01933) 676040.

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs)


External Safeguarding Contacts:

If you have a safeguarding concern relating to the welfare of a child, members of the public can contact:

Safeguarding Documents


Safer Recruitment

Redwell Primary School is committed to ensure that all steps are taken to recruit staff and volunteers who are safe to work with our pupils and have their welfare and protection as the highest priority. The Local Commitee and Senior Leadership Team are responsible for ensuring that the school follows safer recruitment processes outlined within DfE guidance 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', including accurate maintenance of the Single Central Record; and an application, vetting and recruitment process which places safeguarding at its centre, regardless of employee or voluntary role.

The Governing Body will ensure that the Head teacher, other senior staff responsible for recruitment and one member of the Governing Body complete accredited Safer Recruitment Training in line with government requirements.

General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ